Monday, January 28, 2008

[Lyric]The journey Home (Ace Combat 5)

Performer- Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
The journey begins
Starts from within
Things that I need to know

The song of the bird
Echoed in words
Flying for the need to fly

Thoughts endless in flight
Day turns to night
Questions you ask your soul

Which way do I go?
How fast is too slow?
The journey has its time within us

If a man can fly over an ocean
And no mountains can get in his way
Will he fly on forever
Searching for something to believe

From above I can see from the heavens
Down below I see the storm rages on
And somewhere in the answer
There is a hope to carry on

When I finally return
Things that I learn
Carry me back to home

The thoughts that I feed
Planting a seed
With time will begin to grow

The more that I try
The more that I fly
The answer in itself will be there

Youtube 影片連結( Radio 版):


這首歌是在玩 Ace Combat 5 的最後一關 " ACES " 聽到的,原本覺得這只是塊一般的空戰遊戲,
聲,過去的敵軍變為僚機,加入主角們的行列,大家一起合唱著 " The Journey Home ",向著敵
軍進擊,可以感覺到身上背負著所有人的期待,任務只能成功不能失敗(不過我還是重來了六、七次 XD)
身為 Ghost of Razgriz 更不能輸啊!

那天整個晚上都在哼這首的旋律,很棒的一個結局 :)

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